Dermalux LED

® LED Phototherapy is based on the principle that living cells are able to absorb and are influenced by light and the treatment has long been recognised for its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

While we often associate light exposure with skin ageing and damage, light also has many positive influences on the body. It helps us produce vitamin D and provides energy and serotonin and can also accelerate our skin’s natural repair processes.

The differences between the positive and negative effects of light are the amount and the parts of the light spectrum we are exposed to. On-going exposure to UV is very damaging but controlled levels of Red, Blue and Near Infrared light are clinically proven to be beneficial. Regular Dermalux treatment is also used to help many skin conditions such as; acne and blemishes, rosacea and redness, pigmentation, collagen stimulation, and for general skin rejuvenation.

Before and after: 10 Sessions

Before and after: 8 Sessions

Before and after: 8 Sessions

Why three types of lights? 

Blue light – A blemish fighting light that targets bacteria causing spots

Red light- helps with production of cell energy, cell renewal, collagen and elastin synthesis increasing hydration levels for a smoother more youthful and revitalised complexion 

NIR Infrared light- this light is absorbed in skins deepest layer increasing blood circulation repair, calms irritation and builds strength for sensitive skin conditions.

All of our clients are valued members of The Medical Clinic, we want to ensure you are always informed and relaxed about having any treatments with us.