With cheek augmentation there are many different approaches, techniques and aims. Some of you may just want a little volume and contour along the cheek bone, and some may be aiming for a slimming effect to contour the cheeks. The cheeks are the number 1 treatment area for anti – ageing. The cheeks carry the largest fat pads within the face, and as we age these fat pads deplete and lose their volume which can cause nasolabial folds, marionette lines and eventually jowls. So never underestimate the importance of maintaining volume within your cheeks, if you take care of them they will keep you looking youthful and can really give amazing results with dermal filler full face lifting effects. We can also use cheek filler to add volume to the anterior aspect of the cheek ( the apple of the cheek) as well. So the potentials of cheek augmentation can achieve many different results, an overview of those are below:
A lot of clients feel cheek filler may make them ‘look fat’ in-fact the cheeks can give a beautiful slimming effect. It is important to know that each clients anatomy is different and each of you may need different techniques and amounts to achieve your desired result. The trick is to place filler strategically where YOU need it. As with all of our treatments if you wish to seek advice before booking you can do so by sending in a front and side profile image of yourself with your concerns to enquiries@themedicalclinic.co.uk. Most clients will need a minimum of 1ml per cheek to see a result, however again not everyone is symmetrical and this must be taken into account when booking cheek filler. We may inject uneven amounts to make your face more symmetrical, as most people will have one side that is rounder, and another which appears more contoured and slimmer and therefore we need to ensure we achieve close to symmetrical as we can. We would advise to book 2ml for cheeks, and on the day of your appointment if we advise less or more or you decide you would like less or more that is absolutely fine to do so. We only take a deposit online and this is deducted from the amount you go ahead with on the day of your appointment.